Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Monday and Tuesday

Monday is normally my day off, but they needed extra coverage, so I went in. I woke up early again, and made a smoothie for breakfast with milk, a strawberry Petite Cream, frozen strawberries and bananas, and some green apple slices.

I was feeling lazy and didn't pack a lunch. I went to Menchie's partway through the morning and got some pineapple sorbet with raspberries and strawberries, which cost $5.37. Then in the early afternoon I went to QFC and bought a frozen fried chicken and mashed potato entree for $2.99, a pint of chocolate milk for $1.39, and a bag of jalapeno kettle chips for $1.09.

The only bad thing about the beginning of the month is that I have a good amount of money to work with so it's way too easy to be lazy and I wind up eating much more poorly as well.

I wound up not being hungry for dinner at all, which may have had to do with my 1200 calorie late lunch. Winter had picked up some Ramen and a can of corn with her allowance on her way home from school and wasn't really hungry either. Jeremy ate something, though I am not sure what.

Breakfast: smoothie with milk, strawberry Petite Cream, frozen strawberries and bananas, and green apples
Lunch: frozen fried chicken with mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy, jalapeno kettle chips
Dinner: skipped
Snacks/desserts: candy corn, pineapple sorbet with berries
Beverages: water, chocolate milk

Tuesday went better. I worked at the airport. I ate breakfast at home, packed a lunch, and Jeremy made tacos for dinner. No food was purchased yesterday.

Breakfast: vanilla Petite Cream, whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
Lunch: peanut butter and honey sandwich, banana
Dinner: beef tacos with lettuce, cheese, salsa, and sour cream
Snacks/desserts: coffee ice cream with goat milk caramel
Beverages: water

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