Sunday, December 28, 2014

Best laid plans

Well, as it stands right now we're around $60 over budget for the month. We went to QFC on Sunday and spent about $10 on milk, eggnog, some cans of soup from the discount section, and a couple other things. We had about $33 left in the budget, made a huge crock pot full of chili, and things were looking pretty good.

Christmas day was when it all fell apart. Jeremy wanted to order a pizza and we figured on spending about $20 on that, and using the remaining $13 to pick up any milk and veggies we needed for the rest of the month. On Christmas one of our friends came over. We started looking online and calling around and couldn't find a single pizza place open.

We finally found a restaurant that was open (Charlie's) but it didn't open for another two hours, and we were getting pretty hungry. I spent $4 on some chips from the vending machines while we waited. Then we we got there they only had a special holiday menu, where everything was in the range of $14-18. I got seafood fettucini, and Jeremy got steak and prawns with veggies and a baked potato. Both came with soup or salad and bread as well. With tax and tip it was $43.

Later that evening we were hungry again and we found a 7-11 that was open and spent $10.

The day after Christmas we went to a bar to see a friend's band play, and wound up leaving way too early. We stopped at a convenience store and spent about $6.00 on soda and an energy drink on the way, and then another $30.00 on drink while we waited for the band to start.

It's been really hard to reel in the spending since going over. It's kind of like when you're on a diet and you have a bad day and decide that you've already broken the rules so you might as well go all out. Yep. Like that. Not a good idea either way. I'm trying not to feel too bad about it since In total we still spent less than we do in a normal month when Winter is here all month.

Last night I left work late and we still had to make a few stops before going home so that turned into $11.00 at the frozen yogurt place. As of today I have decided to get a handle on this. We'll be trying to use up what we have until January. We got a bag of cinnamon cereal from the Free Friday Download at QFC tonight, and I also bought some holiday cupcakes that had been marked down to $2.00. I think we can get through the rest of the month for less than $10 if we're careful.

Breakfast: protein bar
Lunch: leftover chili with cheese
Dinner: grilled cheese sandwich, cereal with milk
Snacks/desserts: cupcakes
Beverages: water

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