Thursday, October 23, 2014

Halloween costume shopping and oatmeal scotchies

Yesterday I didn't have to work. For lunch I heated up some of the left over bean, cheese, and bell pepper mixture from making pupusas and made burritos with the last two tortillas. I added sour cream and green taco sauce. I loafed around the house until Winter got home and then we went up to Capitol Hill to pick up things for Winter's Halloween costume.

We went to Value Village and found the skirt, shoes, and jacket she needed. She also used some of her allowance to buy a bag of 4 My Little Ponies, a hardcover copy of Insurgent, and some Halloween makeup. We also picked up a couple more things she needed for her costume at Walgreen's, and we bought a sugar free sparkling water for $.99 and a bag of Werther's caramel apple candies for $2.49.

On the way home we went to QFC and picked up a canister of oats for $2.99, two broccoli florets for $1.98, and a bag of purple grapes for $3.78. It was raining the entire time we were out, and I wished we had brought our own bags because paper bags fall apart in the rain.

Jeremy saved a receipt for a protein bar he bought at Rite Aid earlier for $.99. He was supposed to work out with his heavy lifting coach in the afternoon, but his coach wasn't feeling well and they rescheduled for Friday.

For dinner Winter chopped up three turkey sausages, and the broccoli. I boiled a package of fettucini noodles, sauteed the sausage and broccoli, and made a cheese sauce out of milk, corn starch, and the rest of the garlic jack and one of the bags of mozzarella. After dinner we made oatmeal scotchies, but we only had one full stick of butter left, so I just did a half batch.

Breakfast: smoothie with milk, PB, frozen banana and the rest of the strawberries, peanut butter chocolate pop tarts
Lunch: bean and cheese burritos, berry breakfast shake
Dinner: fettucini with turkey sausage, broccoli, and garlic cheese sauce
Snacks/desserts: strawberry pastry crisps, caramel apple candy, oatmeal scotchies
Beverages: water, sugar free sparkling water

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