Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thursday and Friday

I have not been feeling so great, so there will be a few skipped meals here and there. Thursday we bought not food. Friday we picked up some Herdez tomatillo cooking sauce which was the free Friday download. We also bought a bag of three reduced apples and a bag of three reduced bell peppers, for 99 cents each. We plan to use the apples in a pie for Thanksgiving. I didn't want to waste honeycrisps on that.

Thursday night Jeremy had to go to the emergency room. In the space of 24 hours his right little toe went from perfectly fine and healthy with no broken skin, to severely infected. We were at the ER until 2:30 am. He went to his regular doctor on Friday and hopefully we caught it early enough. He won't be able to get his transplant with an active  infection so, I am hoping this doesn't blow up into something worse.


Breakfast: coffee Greek yogurt
Lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwich, honeycrisp apple, Clementine
Dinner: leftover lentils with tomatoes and carrots, and brown rice
Snacks/desserts: black licorice, lollipop, snickerdoodle
Beverages: water


Breakfast: huckleberry yogurt
Lunch: leftover lentils
Dinner: skipped
Snacks/desserts: lollipops
Beverages: instant coffee with coconut creamer, water

We decided to get rid of our giant beanbag couch, and we ordered a new sofa bed on Monday. My mom and dad are coming Wednesday and staying through Friday morning, and I wanted something more comfortable for them to sleep on. They delivered the sofa on Friday.

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