Friday, August 22, 2014

Some of Winter's acting, and Jeremy's GFR

Winter's dad is going to school for film in Alaska, so sometimes she gets to do some acting. Recently she was the lead in a short film called La Llarona by Frostbite Films. She had smaller roles in The Business and Asleep at the Wheel, also made by Frostbite Films in the last few years.

Jeremy had his labs redone recently and his GFR has dropped to 20. It had been holding steady at 23-24 for a while, and even for up to 27 at one point. The last time he saw his nephrologist he asked if his GFR had to be 20 or lower for a kidney transplant, and his Dr. confirmed this. I was hoping the recent trend upward meant we might have a little more time before the transplant, but it's looking like it may be sooner rather than later.

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