Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What we ate 08-05-14 and 08-06-14, plus a little grocery shopping


Breakfast: oatmeal with white chocolate peanut butter and dried cranberries, strawberry coffee cake
Lunch: sandwich with turkey, cracked black pepper cheese and dijon mustard, nectarine
Dinner: leftover black beans and rice topped with shredded cheese
Snacks/desserts: protein bar, Butterfinger ice cream
Beverages: Crystal Light, water


Breakfast: strawberry coffee cake
Lunch: white chocolate peanut butter and honey sandwich, nectarine
Dinner: shared a box of Lean Cuisine Fajita spring rolls with Jeremy
Snacks/desserts: lemon bar, peppermint bark ice cream bar, mudslide frozen yogurt
Beverages: Crystal Light, water

Today was definitely not a model day, food-wise. I woke up late and didn't really get a proper breakfast, so I was pretty hungry at work even after lunch. I got a lemon bar for $2.75 from Dilettante, one of the airport coffee shops. They have amazing lemon bars, and it has been months since I bought one. Jeremy got home after I did, and wanted to go to Yogurtland (after I had already eaten an ice cream bar, of course). We had a coupon and a rewards card bonus, and we had purchased a gift card from Raise for 10% off. So the total at Yogurtland was only $6.22 at least. We normally spend around 10$ for two of us at full price. Naturally I wasn't hungry after that, so I just had a few of Jeremy's spring rolls, and he ate the rest of the black beans and rice with them.

We stopped at QFC on the way home:

5 Lean Cuisines ($2.00 ea) $10.00
4 nectarines $2.98
7 bananas $2.47

Total $15.45 (minus the 3% discount from Raise the real amount spent was $14.99

Tomorrow I will be away from home the entire day. I have a dentist appointment at 8:00 am, and will go straight to work from there, then after work I have a CE ethics class in Wallingford until 10:15 pm. I made tuna salad and cut up some celery, and will make a PB sandwich tomorrow. I will also take some fruit, yogurt, a cookie and a protein bar. Hopefully that will hold me over through the day. Jeremy will fend for himself for dinner.

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