Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday I worked my regular shift at the airport. On the way home I went to QFC and bought a pack of 8 hot dog buns for $1.00, and three bananas for $.77. We currently have a little over $5 to last until Friday.

We had the chicken hot dogs I got at Grocery Outlet for $.44 for dinner, and salad made with some lettuce and cucumber that were starting to go a bit witty. I put some four pepper goat cheese in mine too.

After dinner Winter and I made a red velvet cake from a boxed mix. We only had two eggs and it called for three, so I added an extra tablespoon of oil and it turned out fine. We used the Halloween Funfetti frosting on it. It's not the most attractive cake, but it tastes good.

Breakfast: chocolate flavored cream top yogurt
Lunch: peanut butter and honey sandwich, honeycrisp apple, chocolate chip granola bar
Dinner: chicken hot dogs, salad with lettuce, cucumbers, goat cheese and raspberry walnut dressing
Snacks/desserts: red velvet cake
Beverages: water, Crystal Light

Today Winter's school had another "take your parent to school day" and she wanted me to come with her again. It was an early dismissal day, so we got done at 11:50. I waited too long to get some food together, so I suppose it's a good thing I wasn't very hungry today. I think I had too much cake last night.

After school I got a massage from a coworker I trade with once a month, and Winter and I also went to the hospital (that is conveniently located three blocks from our apartment) to visit my uncle, who had surgery on Monday.

When we got home I made pizza crust using the recipe on the bag of flour. It has flour, yeast, honey, olive oil, water and salt. I find it to be a pretty easy crust to make, and it rises nicely if you have time to let it sit. I made three individual pizzas and topped them with Italian seasoned tomato sauce, turkey pepperoni, and mozzarella cheese. Jeremy added a little pesto jack to his too. We also had the same salad as last night again.

Breakfast: banana
Lunch: peach flavored Yogurt
Dinner: pepperoni pizza, salad with lettuce, cucumbers, goat cheese, and balsamic dressing
Snacks/desserts: red velvet cake
Beverages: Crystal Light

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