Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween, and October wrap-up

Winter dressed up as the Cake song, Short Skirt Long Jacket for Halloween. I guess all of her school friends were familiar with the song, despite the fact that it was popular when I was in high school. She went to her art class, and only two other kids showed up. 

They always have sandwiches there for this kid's, and since it was a quiet night they had a ton of sandwiches left over, so they told Winter to take as many as she wanted. She brought home five of them. They are the Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches, and some of them are chicken, and some tofu. They are actually really really good. I told Winter if they have leftovers again she should bring me one. I hung out at work until she was done with class, and took my food with me. 

On the way home we went to QFC and bought $.82 worth of broccoli, one banana for $.23 and a Yoplait Greek yogurt which was the Free Friday Download. That brings the total spent for the month of October to $389.25 which is $.75 under budget. Damn. I could have bought two more bananas. 

Breakfast: cereal and milk
Lunch: banana, and peach flavored Yogurt
Dinner: Campbell's cheeseburger soup, honeycrisp apple, strawberry pastry crisp
Snacks/desserts: Halloween candy, half a tofu banh mi
Beverages: coffee with vanilla flavored coconut milk creamer, water

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